Vol 5, No 2 (2022)

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37430/jen.v5i2

Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) is the Scientific Journal of Health and Nursing at Gatot Subroto Army School of Health Sciences, which will publish the research results of lecturers in the field of health sciences and nursing information. This scientific journal is published twice a year every January and July. Editors also receive articles from other health colleges. Since the publication in Vol.4 No. 1 and in the future, we are published in the English edition.

Table of Contents


Albahra Albahra, Partono Siswosuharjo
42 - 52
Lilik Susilowati, Ella Nurlelawati, Partono Siswosuharjo
53 - 62
Novy Ernawaty, Lilik Susilowati
63 - 69
Ella Nurlelawati, Ragil Supriyono, Partono Siswosuharjo
70 - 81
Rosmiati Rosmiati, Aulia Hervi Anggraini, Widi Sagita
82 - 86
Fathiyati Fathiyati
87 - 96
Teti Hayati, Wilda Fauzia
115 - 118
Didin Syaefudin, Hendik Wicaksono, Ita Ita
119 - 124
F. Dwi Basuki P, Yunita Yunita, Elsa Mukti Atmaja
125 - 128
Hesti Kusumaningrum, Fitri Hijri Khana
129 - 132