- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Archiving
- Manuscript processing time in JEN
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Publication Ethics
- Duties of Authors
- Duties of Editors
- Duties of Reviewers
- Screening for Plagiarism
- Author Fees
- Disclaimer
- F.A.Q
Focus and Scope
The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of Nursing. Journal Educational of Nursing, particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of Nursing and Health areas as follows:
1. Childcare;
2. Surgical medical nursing;
3. Emergency nursing;
4. Community Nursing;
5. Maternity Nursing;
6. Mental care;
7. Any specific issues of Nursing.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Every article that goes to the editorial staff will be selected through Initial Review processes by Editorial Board. Then, the articles will be sent to the Mitra Bebestari/ peer reviewer and will go to the next selection by Blind Review Process. After that, the articles will be returned to the authors to revise. These processes take a month for a maximum time. In each manuscript, the peer reviewer will be rated from the substantial and technical aspects.
Publication Frequency
jadwal terbit jurnal ini adalah bulan Januari dan Juli.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More... https://www.lockss.org/
Manuscript processing time in JEN
1. The author has 12 days waiting period on the first article submission, the section editor will decide whether the article needs to be revised or not
2. Section editor needs 5 days to examine the article based on JEN author guideline
3. The author has 7 days to revise the article consistent with the JEN author guideline
4. The revised article given to the editor to be reviewed, the editorial team needs 15 days to finish the review.
5. If the article Declined, section editor has 3 days to inform the author regarding the editorial team decision
6. If the article Revision Required, the editorial team will proceed the article to the reviewer
7. Reviewer has 30 days to review the article divided into two times review and provide the decision, Accepted or Declined
8. The editorial team discusses the final decision in an editorial team meeting whether the articles recommended by the reviewers proceed to be Published or Declined. The editorial team has 20 days to make the final decision.
9. The soon-to-be-published articles, lay-outed by the section editor for 30 days
10. The author has 3 days to confirm the layout result. 11. Section editor publishes the accepted articles.
Publication Frequency
Journal Educational Of Nursing (JEN), p-ISSN = 2655-2418, e-ISSN 2655-7630, published twice a year in January and July
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge
Publication Ethics
Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) is a peer-reviewed journal. This journal follows guidelines from Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) facing all aspects of publication ethics and, in particular, how to handle cases of research and publication misconduct. This statement clarifies ethical behaviour of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewer and the publisher (STIKes RSPAD Gatot Subroto). Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) are dedicated to following best practices on ethical matters, errors and retractions. The prevention of publication malpractice is one of the important responsibilities of the editorial board. Any kind of unethical behavior is not acceptable, and the journals do not tolerate plagiarism in any form.
Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) adapts COPE to meet high quality standard of ethics for publisher, editors, authors, and reviewers. As an essential issue, publication ethics needs to be explained clearly to improve the quality of the research worldwide. In this part, we explain the standard for editors, authors, and reviewers. Publisher don’t have right to interfere with the integrity of the contents and only support to publish in timely manner.
Duties of Authors
- Author(s) affirm that the material has not been previously published and that they have not transferred elsewhere any rights to the article.
- Author(s) should ensure the originality of the work and they have properly cited others’ work in accordance of the references format.
- Author(s) should not engage in plagiarism nor self-plagiarism.
- Author(s) should ensure that they follow the authorship criteria that are taken from Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) that is explained in instruction for author of Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN)
- Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently. It is also expected that the author will not publish redundant manuscripts or manuscripts describing the same research in more than one journal.
- Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to conception, design, execution or interpretation of the reported study. Others who have made significant contribution must be listed as co-authors. Authors also ensure that all the authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and their inclusion of names as co-authors.
- The author(s) haven’t suggested any personal information that may make the identity of the patient recognizable in any forms of description part, photograph or pedigree.
- Author(s) should give the editor the data and details of the work, if there are suspicions of data falsification or fabrication.
- If at any point of time, the author(s) discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in submitted manuscript, then the error or inaccuracy must be reported to the editor.
- Authors of the journal should clarify everything that may cause conflict of interests such as work, research expenses, consultant expenses, and intellectual property on the document of Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) form disclosure.
Duties of Editors
- Based on the review report of the editorial review board, the editor can accept, reject, or request modifications to the manuscript.
- Editors should be responsible for every articles published in Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN)
- The editors may communicate with other editors or reviewers in making the final decision.
- An editor has to evaluate the manuscript objectively for publication, judging each on its quality without looking to nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the authors. He/she should decline his/her assignment when there is a potential of conflict of interest.
- Editors need to ensure the document sent to the reviewer does not contain the information of the author, vice versa.
- Editors’ decision should be informed to authors accompanied by reviewers’ comments unless they contain offensive or libelous remarks.
- Editors should respect requests from authors that an individual should not review the submission, if these are well-reasoned and practicable.
- Editors and all staffs should guarantee the confidentiality of the submitted manuscript.
- Editors will be guided by COPE flowcharts if there is a suspected misconduct or disputed authorship.
Duties of Reviewers
- Reviewers need to comment on ethical questions and possible research and publication misconduct.
- Reviewers will do the work in timely manner and should notify editor if they can not complete the work.
- Reviewers need to keep the confidentiality of the manuscript.
- Reviewers should not accept to review the manuscripts in which there is potential conflict of interest between them and any of the authors.
Screening for Plagiarism
Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be filtered for plagiarism using it henticate applications with a similar level of maximum 15% when published.
Author Fees
This journal does not charge any author fees. Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR) Fast-Track Review: 750.000 (IDR) Article Publication: 500.000 (IDR)
The Editors of Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) and STIKes RSPAD Gatot Subroto Journals make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. However, the Editors of Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN) make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editors of Journal Educational of Nursing (JEN)
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J: Untuk mengetahui status Artikel yang anda kirim, silahkan Login dan lihat status artikel tersebut. Lebih lanjut bisa baca panduan berikut :
T: Apa yang harus saya lakukan jika saya menerima keputusan artikel ‘Revision Required’?
J: silahkan pada panduan berikut:https://ejournal.akperrspadjakarta.ac.id/index.php/JEN/about/editorialPolicies#peerReviewProcess
T: Bagaimana caranya saya upload hasil perbaikan artikel yang saya kirimkan?
J: silahkan pada panduan berikut:https://ejournal.akperrspadjakarta.ac.id/index.php/JEN/about/editorialPolicies#peerReviewProcess
pertanyaan lainnya silahkan bisa kontak admin kami melalui jen@akperrspadjakarta.ac.id dan atau SMS/WA/TLP 6285213138613