Factors That Influence The Acquisition of Basic Biology Subject Values In Semester I Students at STIKes Salsabila Serang

Albahra Albahra, Fathiyati Fathiyati, M. Hudzaifah Nasrullah


The purpose of this study was to determine several factors that affect the acquisition of grades in Basic Biology courses in semester 1 students at STIKes Salsabila Serang. This research is an analytical study with a cross sectional approach (cross sectional). Based on the results of the study, it is known that 41% of the first semester students of STIKes Salsabila Serang get less grades. Students with a continuous learning style will have 4 times the chance to get good grades in basic biology courses compared to students whose learning styles the day before the exam. Students who have attention will have 5 times the chance to get good grades in Basic Biology compared to students who do not pay attention. Students with interest will have a 4 times chance of getting good grades in Basic Biology compared to students who have no interest. Students with good motivation will have the opportunity 1 time to get a good grade in Basic Biology compared to students with poor motivation.


Keywords: Basic Biology, Learning Style, Attention, Interests, Motivation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37430/jen.v4i1.78


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