Effect of Competence, Workload, Leadership on Nurse Performance

Memed Sena Setiawan, Septirina Rahayu


The purpose of this study was to obtain an empirical description of the influence of competence, workload, leadership on nurse performance jointly or partially. Sampling using the Probability Sampling technique, which is a technique of giving equal opportunities to all members of the population selected to be the sample. The sample in this study was 50. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method and the data analysis method used is multiple regression. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that competence has a significant effect on nurse performance as indicated by a significance value <0.05, which is equal to = 0.004, workload has a significant effect on nurse performance as indicated by a significance value <0.05, which is equal to 0.008, leadership has an effect significant to the performance of nurses as indicated by a significance value of <0.05, which is equal to = 0.002, and compensation has a significant effect on the performance of nurses as indicated by a significance value of <0.05, which is equal to = 0.002. Competence, workload, leadership, and compensation together have a significant effect on nurse performance as indicated by a significant value <0.05, which is equal to = 0.000. The contribution of competence, workload, leadership, and compensation together on the nurse's performance is R2 = 70.7% and 29.3% is influenced by other factors.


Keywords: Competence, Workload, Leadership, Compensation, and Nurse Performance.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37430/jen.v3i2.75


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