The Relationship between Activity Independence Level and Anxiety Level of Elderly in Budi Mulia 3 Service, 2022

Reni - Reni, Reza Ginanjar, Septirina Rahayu


Elderly (elderly) is a condition that occurs in the human life cycle. Many health problems occur in the elderly, especially problems of movement and independence of the elderly in meeting their daily needs. Problems due to decreased health status and body function can exacerbate the health condition of the elderly. This study aims to identify the relationship between the level of activity independence and the anxiety level of the elderly. The method used in this study uses correlation analysis with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study used all inmates who were at the Budi Mulia 3 Social Institution, taking samples using a purposive sampling technique that met the inclusion criteria. Data collection using questionnaires and observation sheets. The results showed that out of 50 respondents, 15 respondents were independent in fulfilling needs and 35 respondents experienced dependence, while the level of anxiety of 50 respondents, 28 respondents experienced mild anxiety, 19 respondents experienced moderate anxiety and 3 experienced severe anxiety. Based on the results of the statistical correlation test, it was found that there was a relationship between the level of independence in carrying out activities and the level of anxiety in the elderly.


Elderly, Activity Independence, Anxiety

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